E1510 Highly chemical & puncture resistant

About the E1510

Environmental geomembrane with superior chemical resistance, excellent UV-resistance, low thermal expansion & contraction, extreme puncture and tear resistance.

Recommended application

Total weight DIN ISO 2286/2 1998
1000 g/m2
Polyester + PVC-EL
Fabric (Warp/Weft) DIN ISO 2075
dull/dull - Finishing: Super dull
Breaking strength (Warp/Weft) ASTM D751
3500 N / 3500 N
Tear strength (Warp/Weft) ASTM D751
500 N / 400 N
Breaking yield strength (Grab tensile) Warp ASTM D751
3000 N
Breaking yield strength (Grab tensile) Weft ASTM D751
3000 N
Bonded seam strength ( grab) Warp ASTM D751 MODIFIED BY NSF 54
3000 N
Bonded seam strength ( grab) Weft ASTM D751 MODIFIED BY NSF 54
3000 N
Adhesion ply (Film tearing 2"/min) ASTM D413
130 N/5cm
Adhesion (Heat sealed seam) (Dielectric weld) ASTM D751
150 N/5cm
Abrasion (cy before fabric exposure) 5306 TABER FED. STD. 191A H 18 WHEEL 1000G LOAD
2000 cy
Abrasion (Max weight loss) 5306 TABER FED. STD. 191A H 18 WHEEL 1000G LOAD
50 mg/100cy
Dimensional stability (100 °C - 1 hr) Warp ASTM D1204
< 1 %
Dimensional stability (100 °C - 1 hr) Weft ASTM D1204
< 1 %
Puncture resistance ASTM D4833
1150 N
Low temperature (4hrs - 1/8" Mandrel) ASTM D2136
-35°C / -30°F no cracking
Hydrostatic resistance ASTM D751-A
> 540 N/cm² / > 800 psi
Water absorption (7 days - 21°C/70°F) ASTM D471-12
< 0,07 kg/m²
Fire behaviour ISO 3795 : 1989
< 100 mm/min
All technical specifications shown are non-binding and correct to the best of our knowledge.

1 colour
Other colours and widths on request



  • 250 cm × 200 lm
The colours shown on this page may deviate from the actual colours.

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